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Kidney Transplant Stories

Read personal accounts from people who have received a living kidney donor transplant, including how they found a living donor, what they experienced during their transplant journey, and how their transplant has changed their lives.

My Kidney Transplant Story: Kim DiRocco

Kim DiRocco

In 2007, at the age of 27, I learned something was wrong with my kidneys. A routine blood test revealed I had high creatinine levels—a term I wasn’t even familiar with. This began a long process of testing and uncertainty. Doctors performed a biopsy and discovered significant scarring in my kidneys but couldn’t pinpoint the …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Ron Gurley

Ron Gurley

I was born with one kidney. I found out in 1957 when I was six years old. I had a gunshot wound to my chest; it was a miracle I lived. When they were looking at the damage it had done and getting me all sewed up, they saw that I only had one kidney.

My Grandchild’s Kidney Transplant Story: Harlow Tucker

Lisa Tucker

“If you had just one wish…” Before the question was finished, Harlow Tucker was ready with the answer: “To be a normal kid.”   Her angelic smile and quiet charm can make you forget for a moment that she has been in and out of hospitals since she was only two weeks old.  Harlow is a …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Michael Palazzo

Michael Palazzo

In 2009, I was a police officer on patrol and got into a pursuit with two guys on PCP. They crashed, one of them jumped on my back, and I ended up hurting my hand.   The swelling wasn’t going down, so they did a blood test and found out I was in Stage 5 kidney …

My Child’s Kidney Transplant Story: Hadley Frusciante

Lindsay Frusciante

Hadley’s journey to transplant started pretty much at birth. Because she was born with a skin tag on her ear, the pediatricians recommended having an ultrasound of her kidneys to assess any potential complications. Sure enough, the scan showed Hadley’s kidneys were enlarged, so she was referred to a nephrologist. Over the next several months, …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Mark McIntosh 

Mark McIntosh

In April 2023, I was diagnosed with amyloidosis, a rare bone marrow disorder that destroys your vital organs. It went after my kidneys.   Once I realized I needed a kidney transplant, I started to get educated about how that works. I found out that 80% of kidney transplants are from deceased donors, but you really …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Rachel Bress

Rachel Bress

Having been diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) in 2011, I knew a kidney transplant was in my future, though the timing remained uncertain. PKD doesn’t run in my family, making my case unusual as I inherited it without a familial genetic link. In a remarkable turn, my brother stepped forward to donate his kidney …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Rachel Muñiz

Rachel Muniz

My kidney journey began almost a year into my career as a nurse. In 2020, I graduated from nursing school. I’d chosen nursing as a second career. I always wanted to be a nurse, and in my late 20s I was able to start down the path to becoming one. Unexpectedly, I began my career …

My Kidney Transplant Story: Wilson Du

Wilson Du

All my adult life, I was in finance. In the early 2000s, there was a real boom in the market, so I made a lot of money as a young adult—probably more than any young adult should make. With all that money comes a lot of irresponsibility. In many cases, when someone is doing well …