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Find A Kidney Blog

In the Find A Kidney Blog, you’ll find both education and inspiration in your search for a living kidney donor, including tips from experts who have conducted a successful search and personal stories from people who have been in your situation and were able to find a living donor for a kidney transplant.

My Kidney Transplant Story: Michael Palazzo

Michael Palazzo

In 2009, I was a police officer on patrol and got into a pursuit with two guys on PCP. They crashed, one of them jumped on my back, and I ended up hurting my hand.   The swelling wasn’t going down, so they did a blood test and found out I was in Stage 5 kidney […]

My Child’s Kidney Transplant Story: Hadley Frusciante

Lindsay Frusciante

Hadley’s journey to transplant started pretty much at birth. Because she was born with a skin tag on her ear, the pediatricians recommended having an ultrasound of her kidneys to assess any potential complications. Sure enough, the scan showed Hadley’s kidneys were enlarged, so she was referred to a nephrologist. Over the next several months, […]