Microsite Tips
Creating your microsite is an important step in helping you share your story and reach potential donors. Once your microsite is set up, we recommend sharing your microsite with as many people as possible.
What to Write
- Once your starter site is approved and you set up your custom site, you can provide microsite visitors with information about who you are, your background, and your current experience waiting for a kidney transplant.
- Discuss your life before needing a kidney transplant and your current circumstances. Share your hopes and dreams, what you wish to do after you receive a transplant, and how this affects you.
- Write about details that others my relate to, such as your hometown, profession, whether you are a caregiver, and your hobbies.
- Discuss any occasions where you previously participated in community work. This could include nonprofit charities, churches, meals on wheels, etc. Even if you have not participated in this type of community work, you can write about a time you made a positive impact on someone’s life.
- You can discuss your family, such as children, parents, and siblings, and how your need for a kidney transplant impacts them as well.
- Do not give out information such as personal addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers.
- Never offer payment or financial incentives to donors.
- Be sure to double check spelling and grammar. If possible, write your content first in Word, Google Docs, or another method with a spell check feature enabled.
How to Share
- Share your microsite link on as many social media platforms as possible. This includes Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
- Write an intro of 1-2 sentences about your search for a kidney donor and encourage people to re-share the link.
- Ask friends, family members, and even strangers to share your microsite link on social media to reach a wider audience.
- Post the link regularly, such as weekly or anytime your microsite is updated.
- Carry the business cards provided and ask that people share the link to your microsite to help get your story out to as many people as possible.
Which Photos to Use
- Use high quality images. They do not need to be professionally taken but choose photos with clear resolution and plenty of lighting.
- You can post photos of yourself, or of you alongside family members.
- If you have photos with adult family members on your profile, be ready to describe why they would not qualify as potential donors, such as due to a pre-existing condition.
- You can choose photos to showcase what you love or miss doing and discuss that on your site to give the image context.
Benefits of a Custom Site
- Once your starter site is approved, you will be invited to setup your custom site. We recommend using a custom site as it allows for a more in-depth version of your story and images for you to share.
- Custom sites allow users to get to know you better and have a clearer understanding of your life, your search for a kidney, and your interests.
Getting Help With Your Microsite
- Reach out to your transplant center coordinator and request a link to setup your microsite.
- Discuss your starter site with your transplant center coordinator and request that they put you in contact with a microsite coach.