Friend gives gift of life: Women celebrate 10 years since kidney donation

Thirty years ago, Debbie Lein popped her head in the window of Janet Lyons’ SUV and asked if she wanted to be friends. They have been inseparable ever since, sharing memories, laughs, and even a kidney. Recently, they celebrated their friendship and the 10-year anniversary of the surgery that helped save Lein’s life.

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Kidney Transplant Patient Celebrates 50 Years of Kidney Health

In 1973, Guadalupe Alejos was one the first to undergo a kidney transplant at what is now known as Trinity Health Grand Rapids. Fifty years later, that kidney is still functioning and has allowed him to lead a full, happy and productive life.

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A teen needed a kidney. His geometry teacher happened to be a match.

Eddie McCarthy was watching the local TV news when he saw a familiar face on the screen: one of his high school math students, Roman McCormick. He had stage 4 kidney disease and his parents were desperately looking for a live kidney donor. No relatives were a match.

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With the gift of a kidney, Madison coworkers become linked for life

In December 2021, Rachel Harrelson, learned she was in advanced kidney failure due to IgA nephropathy and would need a transplant. She had a vacation planned in June, so she figured she would have the transplant in July, Then she found out the wait time was 4-5 years.

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Ultimate frisbee friendship leads man to kidney transplant

Every Thursday, Sam Moses heads to the park for ultimate frisbee practice. That ended in 2021 when he had to go on dialysis, but one of his teammates, Emily Brixey, volunteered to be his kidney donor. The surgery was November 17, and just three months later, both Moses and Brixey were back playing ultimate frisbee.

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